Ann Gitari is a highly regarded mentor, entrepreneurship trainer, and seasoned entrepreneur in Kenya, playing a pivotal role in Africa’s startup ecosystem supporting entrepreneurs through training, coaching, mentoring, and business advisory services (Trainer-on-Call). She enjoys supporting accelerators, incubators, and innovation hubs in the region with Program Evaluation, Needs Assessment, Curriculum Development, Program Design, and Program Delivery.
Ann has a unique edge in designing, developing, and delivering transformational adult training and coaching programs that she provides onsite or online. She loves assisting leaders to become more visible in the marketplace. She also holds an MA and BA in communications and a mini-MBA in entrepreneurship.
Ann also runs a career enhancement service called The Writing Agency (K). that helps individuals brand themselves and tell their stories professionally. She has participated in several exposure programs, including Global Learning Partners, Co-Starters USA, Stanford Seed Transformation Program, and Centonomy Entrepreneur.