ROSEMARY NGUGI: Managing Director – Ropa Engineering

Rosemary is the managing director of Ropa Engineering company and a CEO of Glovic steel limited.
Both companies founded by Rosemary and Paul Ngugi.Currently she is working with compassionate
hands for the disabled children, to transform the lives of abandoned disabled children.

At Ropa Engineering, we hail Our curated team of skilled and professional structural engineers &
Technicians who understand the need to design safe and sound Steel structures .They are all
highly equipped with modern computer software as well as machinery that employ modern
shotblasting, steel drilling, fiber Laser & Plasma machines for steel cutting and latest welding
technologies. We fabricate steel structures in our workshop under supervision ensuring a high-
quality product and finish.

She holds a bachelor degree in business management from university of Africa(MUA)has a diploma
in Human resources from institute of personnelmanagement holds a certificate in
entrepreneurship from USIU 10,000goldmansach has a diploma in Theology.