JACKLINE KASAINE: Founder, Peafowl Company

Jackline Kasaine has more than seven years in providing solutions to water shortage, Purification of the
same for human consumption, off grid energy solutions and backups and well as providing many other
products and services while leveraging on technology also keeping in mind preservation of the
environment. She is bridging the Energy and Water supply gap mostly in the rural areas.

Coming from the rural and Arid area in Kajiado where water and power supply are not well distributed,
she found the need to try and solve the issue for this communities where women and children are the
most affected and now expanding to other areas with similar issues.

She is also involved in charity organization -Regional Sports and Agriculture Foundation, YALI Network
and aligning the business operations with the UN SDGs 6,7 and 13 touching on Water, Energy and the
climate action and sustainability.

Her organization have been able to transform many lives and are approximating it at 600,700 Families
through the borehole services provided, water pipelines and dams excavated, also water treatment
services and the solar solutions which has helped reduce the amount of kerosine used for lighting and
diesel fumes which were being used as alternative backups.